Management duo to step down at the end of the season

Management duo to step down at the end of the season
The Management team of Stuart Boardley and Andy Crump have announced that they will be stepping down from their first team roles at the club at the end of the season after five and a half years at the helm. Stuart, Andy and Chairman Tony Barnes have each issued the below statements.
Well, they do say that ‘all good things must come to an end’ so true to the saying, here it is.
After some really deep soul searching and several months of consideration, both Andy and myself have decided that this season will be our last and we will be stepping down from our first team roles with the club in the summer. Our intention was always to give the club as much notice as possible to enable a clean and well planned transition to a new management team whilst keeping the decision strictly under wraps until the end of the season. Unfortunately, circumstances outside of our control have meant that an earlier announcement than originally planned has been necessary.
I am going to keep this short and sweet and save all my ‘thank you’s’ for our end of season bash because true to form and as you would expect, I want the focus to remain solely on the players and how we go about trying to secure this promotion we have all worked so hard to achieve, and not about AC and myself.
My decision to step down has not been taken lightly and has been made for many reasons (too many to list), but ultimately it’s the right decision for me and my family at this time and I know this is true of Andy and his family too. A decision to step away together was always going to be how it would end because quite frankly, I couldn’t imagine anyone else being able or willing to offer the time, commitment, expertise or indeed tolerance that Andy has given me and the club as a whole.
Both AC and myself will remain involved in the club we both love in some guise moving forwards I’m sure. Felixstowe has been such a large part of our lives and I’m sure it will continue to be, just maybe from a seat in the stands rather than the dugout. We remain fully committed to ensuring this club continues in its upward trajectory and as such will be assisting Tony and the board in any way possible to ensure a smooth transition once the season ends.
I am not going to say my goodbyes and reminisce just yet - that can be saved for May, but I do have just one last ask of you all though…. Please get behind the team more than ever now and let’s finish the job together!
I have enjoyed so much of my time in football and as a player, coach or management, it has never been a difficult decision when Felixstowe have come calling - it’s my home town club and I have been proud of the opportunities it has given me and even prouder to see it become the respected non-league club that so many others aspire to.
When the Gaffa called me over 5 years ago and asked if I would return and support him as assistant manager, in truth it was a very easy decision. In that time we have tried to build you a team that you can connect with, that you look forward to watching every Saturday and hopefully will keep moving our football club forwards. We have largely done that although there are still things to do that will make us feel like we have achieved all three. We have also tried to support the Chairman and committee to move the club forwards off the pitch, ensuring we play our part in connecting the juniors with the first team. I have loved having them with us as mascots on a match day, none more so than my own son walking out proudly wearing his F&W kit for the first time.
Being ambitious people, we want success to continue for the club and to keep raising the bar when it comes to standards. Boards has taken that to a completely new level and I’ve seen first hand how hard he works in ensuring we do things properly. It has meant we have been able to create the best environment for our players, his staff and you the supporters. He never looks for recognition but deserves a huge amount!
But to do that it requires my full energy and after nearly 6 years, I need to redirect more of my time and focus to my family and an increased level of responsibility with my work. For those reasons, I have made the difficult but right decision to resign at the end of the season.
We are determined to see continued success for the club and there will be a number of thank yous to make when the season and our time as managers here draws to its conclusion.
Till then, we have plenty to be getting on with, starting Wednesday night! Let’s enjoy the rest of the journey together and deliver the success the club, supporters and players deserve!!
I have absolutely nothing but thanks, admiration and gratitude for all the fantastic work and commitment that both Stuart and Andy have given the club since I had the honour of appointing them some 5 - 6 years ago.
Yes, I am very sad to see their tenure as the first team management coming to an end and I am equally sorry the announcement has had to be made somewhat earlier than we anticipated as I want the whole club to maintain our focus on promotion to step 3 football.I know that was my dream at the start of this season, a dream shared by Boards, Crumpy and all the playing staff, the dream continues, and I sincerely hope that promotion gives us a very fitting end and very deserved recognition of the job Boards and Crumpy have done.We have had setbacks before and with all due respect to the management team, nothing continues forever, and the club has managed through change before and I'm sure we can do so again.I have a very strong relationship with the Director of Football, Kevin O' Donnell as well as with Boards and Crumpy, and I will be liaising with all three of them to ensure we make the right decisions regarding the next manager or management team.As I mentioned, our focus remains very much on the present, and I hope the whole club and supporters continue to give the lads every encouragement to finish the season in style.Of course there will be discussions behind the scenes, and I welcome hearing from any parties that may have an interest in succeeding Stuart and Andy, but any agreements, appointments or announcements will not be made until the current season has finished. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.Very sad news indeed, but life goes on and it would be a great disservice to the current management team if we don't look to continue building on the fantastic success and growth we have had under their stewardship.Up the Seasiders!!Tony